












Our team of experienced recruiters and software professionals are experts in their fields, and are committed to staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and best practices.


We understand that job seekers and companies have unique needs and aspirations, and we strive to create customized solutions that meet those needs.


Explain that your commitment to partnership goes beyond transactional relationships. Instead, you're focused on fostering long-term connections that lead to the growth and success of all parties involved.

Values we adhere to

Our values form the foundation of our company.Clearly stated values attract employees who resonate with your mission, increasing job satisfaction and reducing turnover.


Share testimonials from satisfied job seekers and companies who have experienced your integrity firsthand. Their positive experiences can reinforce your commitment to ethical conduct.


We are constantly seeking out new and innovative ways to improve the hiring process, offer innovative software solutions and drive success for our clients.

Our commitment to growth

Helix Tech IT Services Inc is committed to bringing everyone's aspirations to life, we are able to create a positive impact on the tech industry.

Personalized approach

We believe that every job seeker has unique goals and aspirations, and every hiring company has unique requirements and vision. We work tirelessly to provide customized solutions that meet the needs of both job seekers and hiring companies and to build strong partnerships that drive success for all parties involved.

Automated Software Solutions

Our software solutions are designed to streamline the hiring process and make it easier for hiring companies to find the best-fit candidates. We use advanced algorithms and data analytics to match candidates with companies based on their skills, experience, and cultural fit. We are making the best use of AI & ML to offer software solutions that can bring value to booth job -seekers and companies alike.

Impactful Training Programs

Our training programs are designed to empower job seekers with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers. We offer a range of training courses to impart technical skills that are tailored to the needs of each individual job seeker. Our technical training courses like Javascript, Python, Data Science, Cyber Security, Mobile App Development and many more are made to make you stand out amidst the competition.

Professional Resume Building & Enhancement

A Resume is a powerful document reflecting upon the skills, aspirations and ambitions of job applicants. Hence a Resume needs to be drafted with much care.Our team of writers and career experts work together to craft a strong resume reflecting upon the job seekers unique selling proposition. We strategically optimize Resume and LinkedIn profiles to gain the attention of the employers to open doors for new opportunities.

Exceeding Expectations

Customer Delight is our motto. We believe every valued interaction with our clients, be it hiring companies or job aspirants, is an opportunity for us to build lasting relationships. We are committed to exceptional customer service.Our team of seasoned professionals provide personalized approach to proactive problem solving, goals setting and execution, innovating at each step. We are driven by genuine passion to make the experience of each and every client truly outstanding.

We hold Our Purpose Up Close & Personal


At Helix Tech IT Services Inc, we believe that the success of a company is rooted in the talents and aspirations of its employees. We are committed to creating a positive impact on the tech industry by bridging the gap between top tech talent and companies while empowering job seekers to achieve their career aspirations. We believe in creating a thriving ecosystem where technology and innovation comes to life.

Nikhil Bobade,Founder,HelixTech

Life At Helix Tech

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